Stud Dog Wales Locator/Finder

If you are looking for a Stud dog WALES please fill in the form below or contact us and we will be in touch

Stud Dog Wales

Sometimes it can be hard to find the perfect match for your bitch, we are here to help. Champdogs is also a good place to look. 

Stud Dog Wales

Why Choose us?

We have over 14 years experience in veterinary immunology, ELISA testing, antibody production and processing along with parasitology and genetics and over 20 years experience in breeding and showing of both dogs and horses. Eve has gained experience and qualifications from experts in the field of veterinary ultrasound, semen collection and artificial insemination.  

All dogs are  treated as individuals and made to feel comfortable with us prior to any services being carried out. Breeding advice is given in strict confidence and client confidentiality respected. 

Services We Offer

We are experts in canine progesterone testing, interpretation, advice and breeding success, we also offer microchipping, ultrasound scanning, artificial insemination and parasitology.  We run all of our laboratory tests including canine progesterone testing on-site following GLP and strict SOP protocols. All blood samples are provided to us by owners.

Progesterone Testing

Testing the levels of serum progesterone in a bitches blood indicates at what point she will ovulate and subsequently WHEN to mate.


Microchipping is quick and easy to get done, and greatly increases the chances that a lost dog will be reunited safely with their owner.


An ultrasound scan is the best way to find out if your bitch is pregnant. This is usually carried out four weeks after mating or insemination.

Titre Tests

Your dog may not need that yearly (or even 3 yearly) booster at all! According to latest guidelines, WSAVA, suggest that DHP booster vaccinations may not be required as often as previously thought.

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