Progesterone Test for Dogs

A dog ovulation test is the most accurate way to determine the correct timing of matings. By using this method, we can pinpoint when the bitch ovulates and thus when to mate her. This will increase your chances of having a successful, and hopefully larger litter. Accurate timing is essential to increase fertility. A progesterone test for dogs is the most reliable way to do this.


Benefits of a Progesterone Test for Dogs?

Achieve a More Successful Mating and Increase Litter Size
Mating at the optimum time increases fertility 

 Avoid Unnecessary Trips to the Stud Dog
Save time, money and potential stress to your bitch by identifying her most fertile days

Improve your Breeding Success 
Discover your bitches most fertile period by pinpointing ovulation

Essential for Successful Artificial Insemination
Improve success rates by determining the optimum time to inseminate your bitch

Identify Split or Silent Seasons
Turn previous mating failures into success by assessing progesterone levels. This will also help to identify any fertility issues and unusual seasons.

Accurately Calculate Due Dates
Gestation is 63 days from the day of ovulation. An ovulation test can tell you the date of ovulation. This is important when planning whelping or if c-sections are expected.


How it works


We welcome both posted and hand-delivered samples.

By Post:

  • Telephone your vet and ask for a blood draw into a 2mL orange sample tube (no need to spin). Included in our test kits click here to order.
  • Pop vial and paperwork into the PREPAID envelope provided or send Special Delivery (large letter) if urgent.
  • We will confirm receipt of the sample and subsequent results along with our expert advice as to whether or not she has ovulated and/or when to mate
NO TIME TO ORDER A CANINE OVULATION TEST KIT? Your vet can use their own orange sample tube (or clear). This can be sent to us (double bagged) with your contact details: Dragon Lab & Canine Services, Synod Ganol, Llandysul, SA44 6JE. We will contact you upon receipt of the sample and to organise payment.


  • Let us know that you are delivering the sample by booking here or calling/WhatsApp/text: 01545 580970 / 07813 664608

Results are within 1 hour of sample reception and can be sent via telephone/text/WhatsApp

dog progesterone test

Why Choose Us?

Dragon Lab & Canine Services are experts in canine reproduction.

We have over 14 years of laboratory experience and breeding success. Resulting in  expertise in progesterone testing, result interpretation and invaluable mating advice. Our progesterone test for dogs service not only provides you with the numbers but also the insight of our extensive experience.

All laboratory tests, including the progesterone test for dogs, are run on-site following GMP and strict SOP protocols.

Results are telephoned and/or sent by text/Whatsapp within 1 hour of sample reception.

Not just dogs

We also offer progesterone testing for other species:

Canine: Ovulation timing, parturition, and fertility investigations.

Equine: Ovulation timing, early pregnancy diagnosis, and fertility investigations.

Cattle, Sheep, Goats, Alpacas & Llamas: Pregnancy diagnosis and fertility investigations.

For those interested in reading more: click here:

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Order a Dog Ovulation Test and find out when to mate your dog

Increase breeding success and optimise your litters

Frequently Asked Questions

A canine ovulation test or progesterone test analyses a blood sample for circulating progesterone, in dogs it is the hormone that indicates ovulation and helps maintain a pregnancy.

By testing progesterone levels, you are able to pinpoint the day of ovulation and plan matings that are more likely to result in success.

The progesterone test that we offer is run on the state of the art MiniVidas Blue; it provides quantitative results meaning it will provide an accurate numerical value of circulating progesterone (not a colour change/PreMate, that is inaccurate) and is therefore able to pin point ovulation and subsequently the best day to mate your dog.

It is recognised that in the dog up to 75% of failures to conceive can be attributed to incorrect timing of breeding. ¹

More precise timing of the breeding events is required when:

  • There is limited access to the stud
  • When artificial reproductive techniques are going to be used
  • When the quality of the semen is questionable.
  • The ability to accurately time breeding is of practical and economic importance to breeders. Optimal timing helps breeders:
  • Maximise pregnancy rates and litter size (Semen and stud fees are expensive.)
  • Plan travel for matings
  • Optimise of time for assisted breeding techniques (artificial insemination using fresh, chilled, or frozen
  • semen)
  • Optimise the timing of breeding when access to the stud is limited to one or two matings
  • Prevent unnecessary use of male
  • With the planning of matings when the same male is used on two bitches simultaneously
  • Optimise the time for breeding in bitches that have a history of non-receptivity or show silent heats
  • Estimate expected whelping dates more accurately based on a known ovulation date.


Successful fertilisation typically occurs between 3–4 days before the end of estrus. By simply observing a bitch during her heat cycle, there is no way of knowing when the end of estrus will be. To complicate matters, some bitches may bleed throughout their entire heat period, whereas other may not, some bitches may stand for a stud willingly, even long before there are eggs available for fertilisation, whilst others may only be receptive for a day or two. There are many other variations and idiosyncratic behaviors that can confuse the breeder, all contributing to a missed opportunity to breed the bitch successfully.

​The ovulation test for dogs is most commonly used by breeders who are subject to large stud fees and require some sort of guarantee that their bitch had the correct progesterone levels; if their bitch does not become pregnant, but had the correct progesterone levels, the fault is usually the stud dog.

​It is a common misconception among breeders that the heat cycle and the point at which a bitch will allow mating replicates itself in each repeating heat cycle of each individual bitch. The breeder then uses the data from a previous cycle and applies it to the next cycle. For instance, because a bitch was previously successfully bred on day 10 (starting from first signs of heat), the breeder will keep on mating that specific bitch on day 10. While this might work in some cases, it most certainly won’t work in all cases. Similarly, it is not always true that the stud can sniff out exactly when the bitch is at her peak (optimum time for fertilization).

We recommend taking an initial sample at day 9 following your dog showing the first signs of bleeding. Subsequent tests/advice will depend on this initial result.

We try and limit the number of tests required to accurate predict ovulation. It is better to take an initial sample and retest 3/4 days after than to completely miss ovulation. Typically two or 3 tests are required.


Johnston SD, Kustritz MVR, Olson PNS. Canine and Feline Theriogenology. Philadelphia, PA: WB Saunders; 2001.

Meet our Laboratory Expert

We have over 16 years experience in immunology, ELISA testing, antibody production and processing.

We pride ourselves on our testing expertise, along with invaluable knowledge and advice when it comes to canine progesterone testing and mating guidance.

We run all of our laboratory tests on-site following GMP and strict SOP protocols.



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