Titre Testing for dogs... Does Your Best Friend really need A Booster?

titre testing for dogs

Titre Testing for Dogs eliminates unnecessary vaccination

Confirm the level of antibody presence to ensure that your pet is adequately protected.

Your pet may not need that yearly (or even 3 yearly) booster at all! Validate 

The benefits of Titre Testing for Dogs?

Latest research shows that DHP booster vaccinations may not be required yearly, or even 3 yearly as previously thought.

If you are concerned about over vaccination – in other words giving the vaccine where it is not required, then a titre test for dogs (titer test) is something you should consider.

Here at Dragon Lab, we use VacciCheck. This titre test for dogs is a simple blood test will tell you whether your dog still remains protected against the three core diseases that are routinely vaccinated against – Canine Distemper, Infectious Hepatitis and Parvovirus.

The VacciCheck titre test for dogs accurately measures antibody levels of the 3 core diseases that are included in your dogs annual ‘booster’. Titre tests eliminate unnecessary vaccination and confirms the level of antibody presence to ensure that you can ensure your dog is provided with adequate immunological protection.

Titre Testing for Dogs

This simple canine titre test will tell you whether your dog is protected against the three core diseases that are routinely vaccinated against:

  • Distemper (CDV)
  • Infectious Hepatitis (ICH)
  • Parvovirus (CPVH)


If you are interested in reading more, including ‘ what are titres?’ click here or see our FAQ below

WSAVA Guidelines


Frequently Asked Questions

Our VacciCheck canine titre test measures antibody levels to Parvovirus, Canine Distemper and Infectious Hepatitis in dogs (the 3 core diseases that are vaccinated against). This helps ascertain vaccination status and prevent consequences associated with over/under vaccination.

Antibody levels to Parvovirus, Canine Distemper and Infectious Hepatitis in dogs (the 3 core diseases that are vaccinated against).

Titre testing avoids unnecessary over-vaccination.

There are several acquired illnesses that have been linked to vaccination, with evidence to suggest vaccination triggering the onset. These illnesses include immune mediated haemolytic anaemia, immune mediated thrombocytopaenia and immune-mediated skin disorders. Thus, every vaccination carries a risk.

That said,  it is important to vaccinate dogs in order to allow them to build immunity and fight diseases. However, due to a great variability in their ability to build their protection, and a great variability in the duration of immunity in each dog/cat, titre testing is the only available tool to help vets make a smart, evidence-based decision regarding revaccination. By titre testing pets, we can determine whether revaccination is needed or not and prevent possible vaccination side effects.

Titre tests can be performed at any stage of a dog’s life. However, the best time is shortly before they are due their ‘booster’. This lets you know if they actually need at ‘booster’ or not. 

If you are wanting to titre test a puppy, it is best to wait until 3-4 weeks after their vaccination. 

The higher the number the higher the titre or concentration of antibodies. The reporting range is from 0 (no antibodies detected) to 6.

The results are always relative to a positive control.

A score of 2 and above is considered positive, meaning the animal is protected.

The WSAVA Vaccination 2016 Guidelines state: “The presence of antibody (no matter what the titer is) indicates protective immunity and immunological memory is present in that animal. Giving more frequent vaccines to animals in an attempt to increase antibody titre is a pointless exercise. It is impossible to create ‘greater immunity’ by attempting to increase an antibody titre”.

The frequency of repeat titre testing is at the discretion of the owner.

If your previous titre test result was borderline positive (1 or 2), then you may want to titre test sooner than if the result was a strong positive (3+).

Antibody titres can wane as animals get older and there may be a point at which an older dog may need re vaccination, however, this decision should be made on a risk analysis based on age and potential side affects from a vaccine at an older age and any other existing medical conditions.

You may feel that if you have younger dogs you are happy with testing less frequently.

If you are testing to satisfy the requirements of a third party (ie dog boarder, kennel, council licensing etc), then please see their recommendations. 

We recommend testing at 16 weeks, or 3-4 weeks after their vaccination.

The performance of the VacciCheck test kit has been validated using clinical samples by comparing results to the gold standard titre assays.

According to the WSAVA Guidelines (attached): “A high percentage (98%) of core puppy vaccines given between 14-16 weeks of age will provide immunity against parvovirus, distemper and adenovirus for many years, and probably for the life of the animal.”

Why Choose Us?

Dragon Lab & Canine Services are experts in titre testing, ELISA development and canine immunology.

We have over 14 years laboratory experience. We pride ourselves on our testing expertise, along with invaluable knowledge and advice when it comes to canine immunology testing and vaccination guidance. Our titre testing service not only provides you with the numbers but also the knowledge and advice of our extensive experience.

All laboratory tests, including canine titre testing, are run on-site following GMP and strict SOP protocols.

Results are telephoned and/or sent by text/Whatsapp within 1 hour of sample reception.

How it works

We welcome both posted and hand-delivered samples.

By Post:

  • Telephone your vet and ask for a blood draw into a 2mL orange sample tube (no need to spin). Included in our titre test kits click here to order.
  • Pop vial and paperwork into the PREPAID box provided or send Special Delivery (large letter) if urgent.
  • We will confirm receipt of sample and send results along with our expert advice as to whether your dog is protected against the three core diseases.
NO TIME OT ORDER A DOG TITRE TEST KIT? Your vet can use their own orange sample tube (or clear). This can be sent to us (double bagged) with your contact details: Dragon Lab & Canine Services, Synod Ganol, Llandysul, SA44 6JE. We will contact you upon receipt of the sample and to organise payment.


  • Let us know that you are delivering the sample by booking here or calling/WhatsApp/text:  07813 664608

Results are within 1 hour of sample reception and can be sent via telephone/text/WhatsApp

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Canine titre test

Canine titre test for Parvovirus, Distempter and Infectious HepatitisKit will include blood sample tube along with all the necessary paperwork and a return envelope. Simply ask your veterinarian to take a blood draw and return to us.

Meet our Laboratory Specialist

We have over 16 years experience in immunology, ELISA testing, antibody production and processing.

We pride ourselves on our testing expertise, along with invaluable knowledge and advice when it comes to canine progesterone testing and mating guidance.

We run all of our laboratory tests on-site following GMP and strict SOP protocols.




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