What is a Dog Progesterone Testing?






The progesterone test that we offer is run on the state of the art MiniVidas Blue analyser; it provides quantitative results meaning it will provide an accurate numerical value of circulating progesterone (not a colour change/PreMate, that is inaccurate) and is therefore able to pin point ovulation and subsequently the best day to mate your dog. 



A progesterone test analyses a blood sample for circulating progesterone; in dogs it is the hormone that indicates ovulation and helps maintain a pregnancy. 

By testing progesterone levels, you are able to pinpoint the day of ovulation and plan matings that are more likely to result in success.

Baseline: <0.4 ng/mL

Initial Rise 1.5-3.5 ng/mL

Ovulation: 7.5-10.5 ng/mL

First Mating: 14.5-20.5 ng/mL

Last Opportunity Mating: 35-40 ng/mL

Order a progesterone kit here 


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