Titre Test for Dogs

Expert guidance on booster recommendations



Our titre test for dogs is a simple blood test. It will tell you if your pet is safe from the three diseases that are routinely vaccinated against.

Avoid unnecessary vaccinations and ensure that your pet is adequately protected from disease by ordering an antibody test. A dog titre test is a great alternative to the ‘yearly booster’.

Dragon Lab’s testing service provides same day results, which is one of the fastest turn around times of titre testing testing labs in UK. Helping you get those important results as soon as possible. You will be sent a detailed report, along with an explanation of the results and expert advice for future retest/booster recommendations.  Our service not only provides you with the numbers. But also invaluable knowledge and advice of our extensive experience.

This Vaccicheck canine titre test is the gold standard of in-house titre testing for dogs and by far the most popular choice. It will tell you if your best friend is protected against the three core diseases that are routinely vaccinated against:

  • Canine Distemper (CDV)
  • Infectious Hepatitis (ICH)
  • Parvovirus (CPVH)


Antibody titre tests for dogs, like the one we offer at Dragon Lab, are now widely accepted by boarding kennels, dog sitters and council licensing as an alternative to yearly vaccination.

Generic vets are not usually specifically trained in interpreting antibody test results; their experience is usually limited and are swayed by affiliations to pharmaceutical companies. This can lead to incorrect or biased treatment guidance which is not necessarily the best course of action for your dog.

Add Lungworm blood test (Angiostrongylus vasorum) and save 20% click here to find out more about lungworm in dogs and why blood testing is more sensitive than faecal sampling.

Additional information


Titre Test only, Titre Test & Lungworm Blood Test (save 20%)

Testing process

  1. You buy a test
  2. We send you a kit
  3. You send the blood sample back in the prepaid box provided.
  4. We analyse your dog’s blood sample and send you the results. The results will be explained and advice given.


How to get a blood sample

  • Contact your vet and ask for a blood draw into a 2mL sample tube.
  • Green or orange sample tube (included in test kit) for Titre Testing, Lungworm Screening or Progesterone Testing.
  • For Brucella canis: EDTA tube (included in test kit).


Hand-delivered samples

  • Let us know that you are delivering the sample by calling/WhatsApp/text: 07813 664608 and to arrange payment



Your vet can use their own sample tube.

This can be sent to us with your contact details included to:

Dragon Lab & Canine Services, Synod Ganol, Llandysul, SA44 6JE

  • Blood sample tube
  • Labelled zip lock bags
  • Instructions & Sample Form
  • PREPAID return box



Why Choose Us?
Dragon Lab & Canine Services are experts in canine immunology.
We have over 14 years laboratory and canine immunology experience. This has gained us invaluable knowledge when it comes to canine immunology testing and vaccination guidance. Our lungworm testing service not only provides you with the numbers but also the knowledge and advice of our extensive experience.
All laboratory tests are run on-site following GMP and strict SOP protocols. SAME DAY RESULTS.


Titre Testing

Titre tests can be performed at any stage of a dog’s life. However, the best time is shortly before they are due their ‘booster’. This lets you know if they actually need at ‘booster’ or not. If you are wanting to titre test a puppy, it is best to wait until 3-4 weeks after their vaccination.
The higher the number the higher the titre or concentration of antibodies. The reporting range is from 0 (no antibodies detected) to 6. The results are always relative to a positive control.

A score of 2 and above is considered positive, meaning the animal is protected.

How often should I titre test?

The frequency of repeat titre testing is at the discretion of the owner. If your previous titre test result was borderline positive (1 or 2), then you may want to titre test sooner than if the result was a strong positive (3+).
Antibody titres can wane as animals get older and there may be a point at which an older dog may need re vaccination, however, this decision should be made on a risk analysis based on age and potential side affects from a vaccine at an older age and any other existing medical conditions.
You may feel that if you have younger dogs you are happy with testing less frequently. If you are testing to satisfy the requirements of a third party (ie dog boarder, kennel, council licensing etc), then please see their recommendations.
We recommend testing at 16 weeks, or 3-4 weeks after their vaccination.


Progesterone Testing

We recommend taking an initial sample at day 9 following your dog showing the first signs of bleeding. Subsequent tests/advice will depend on this initial result.
We try and limit the number of tests required to accurate predict ovulation. It is better to take an initial sample and retest 3/4 days after than to completely miss ovulation. Typically two or 3 tests are required.


Benefits Titre Test for Dogs

Your dog may not need that booster at all!
You can use dog titre testing can check if your dog needs a ‘booster’ vaccination.  This is useful if you concerned about over-vaccination, if your dog is older or immunocompromised, or if they have a history of adverse reactions to vaccines.   

Gain peace of mind that your best friend is protected 
Confirm the immune health of your dog and make sure they are protected from disease with a Vaccicheck Titre Test cost effective option

Avoid potential side affects of over-vaccination
Older and immunocompromised dogs are especially susceptible to vaccine related adverse reactions so find out if they are already protected. 

Check if your new puppy has developed an adequate immune response
Confirm the success of a puppy vaccination program and enjoy getting your pet out and about

Discover the immune status of a dog with unknown vaccination history



For those interested to read more about titre test for dogs and cats, specifically the Vaccicheck titre test click here

Order to find out if your dog needs a booster
Validate before you vaccinate


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